The last two days before spring break I was able to go to Mount Hood Community College to compete in a brutal tournament. National Qualifiers for Speech and Debate. It is probably the hardest tournament the whole year, mostly because it is just so emotionally and physically draining. Everyone put every ounce of effort they have into this competition to either succeed and make it to nationals, or to fall short and et eliminated from the competition. It's actually a depressing thought to some, but all that hard work shows something worth being proud of, regardless if you make it to nationals or not!
The first row on the left: My great friend Olivia is hugging our speech coach and almost in tears because her and her partner, Q$ made it to nationals in Public Forum Debate!! Olivia has worked so hard this whole year, while sticking strong to her belief system, and I believe that this is a perfect reward for her dedication and faith. Olivia is such a great girl, and I couldn't be more excited for her.
The first row on the right: JONAH!!!! (the little boy with the glasses and braces.) This boy has grown so much a as a person, not so much in height, but in maturity. He made it to nationals as well in Humors Interpretation! He was so excited when Mr. Curry called his name to come get this award. Our whole team jumped up and started screaming because it was such a proud moment, and he started crying. Jonah is one of the most animated human beings I have ever met, so him doing an HI is just perfect. I truly believe that he had the best performance out of that whole final round, he went straight ones in the final rounds from the judges. Oh, I love Jonah.
The second row on the left: Little Jonah again. He really loves that drink and gets super excited every time he buys it at a Speech competition. Just look at him.
The second row on the right: Danica brought an umbrella hat, so I wore it around while collecting statistics for my "AP Stats project." I'm actually not in AP stats. I just had to make up a project so I could figure out if this guy was really from Pakistan or not. This guy in a debate round said that he was born and raised in Pakistan, but my friend who went up against him didn't believe him, so I went around and asked people where they were born, it turns out he was actually born in Pakistan....
The third row on the left: Aujalee(on my left), Zoe(on my right) and I(in the middle) went to go get lunch after our individual events(IE). All of a sudden it just started hailing really hard, so we went and ran for cover, thinking the hail would only last a few seconds, in reality, the hail actually got bigger and started hitting us. Our motto became "We make it hail on dem hoes." Zoe ended up leaving and Aujalee and I went to go get really gross mexican food.
The third row on the right: Some mystery person wrote on flow pad all the quotes people say from our team, most of them were from a interp someone does(like an HI.) The very bottom one says, "I want to be inside of Daniel Silberman." Everyone on out team knew it was Blake Gesik. Daniel is a guy who graduated last year from Sprague, and is now attending UCLA. I guess he was a wizard in debate, because the first year he ever did it, he went to nationals with his partner, Nizar. Everyone always went to him with debate questions, or how to form a question/contention. Most of the guys on our team just really wanted to become the brand new Daniel and Nizar. But, they also fail to remember that most judges hate Sprague based on the fact that they were so belligerent during the debate round, haha. They were very talented though, go them.
The fourth row on the left: My best friend Aujalee covering herself from the hail, and pouting because her shoes were full of water.
The fourth row on the right: All of my friends talking to walls, practicing their events. Speech tourneys is the only place where you can talk to a wall, and seem completely normal. It is the most interesting thing, also it's really funny because people get so into it, and start making extremely interesting faces to the wall.
The last picture: I made this picture when I was sorta bummin, and I thought the whole team could use some words of encouragement.
This team is the greatest, and I couldn't be prouder to be a captain.
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